12 September 2012

Part 2: T-SQL Implementation of NORMDIST / NORM.S.DIST

This is Part 2 of a set of posts. The other posts are:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Probability Density Function Implementation
Part 3: Cumulative Distribution Function Implementation 1
Part 4: Cumulative Distribution Function Implementation 2
Part 5: Cumulative Distribution Function Implementation 3
Part 6: References and Notes

Probability Density Function Implementation

The probability density function can be computed directly from the definition (see Part 1.)

-- =============================================
-- Author:    Eli Algranti
-- Description:  Standard Normal Distribution 
--        Probability Density Function
-- Copyright:  Eli Algranti (c) 2012
-- This code is licensed under the Microsoft Public 
-- License (Ms-Pl) (https://tsqlnormdist.codeplex.com/license)
-- =============================================
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[StdNormalDistributionPDF]
  @x FLOAT
  DECLARE @pi FLOAT = 3.141592653589793238462643383;
  -- The standard normal probability corresponding to @x
  RETURN EXP(-0.5*@x*@x)/SQRT(2.0*@pi);

Verification Using Excel 2010 as Reference

Maximum difference 4.71844785465692E-16 at value 1.02999999999983

Verification Using Excel 2007 as Reference

Maximum difference 4.9960036108132E-16 at value 1.02999999999983

Note: The graphs do not display a value for the Y axis because the values are too small.


No surprises here. The T-SQL implementation closely matches both Excel's implementations and is within the error margin for double computations. The function may be optimized by precomputing SQRT(2*@pi).

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