12 September 2012

Part 5: T-SQL Implementation of NORMDIST / NORM.S.DIST

This is Part 5 of a set of posts. The other posts are:
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Probability Density Function Implementation
Part 3: Cumulative Distribution Function Implementation 1
Part 4: Cumulative Distribution Function Implementation 2
Part 5: Cumulative Distribution Function Implementation 3
Part 6: References and Notes

Cumulative Distribution Function Implementation 3

The cumulative distribution function has no closed form expression and can only be approximated (see Part 1.)
The following implementation uses a set of rational approximations from W. J. Cody (1969) (see Part 6 for full references.)

-- =============================================
-- Author:    Eli Algranti
-- Description:  Standard Normal Distribution 
--        Cumulative Distribution Function
--        using a rational polynomial 
--        approximation to erf() from
--        W. J. Cody 1969
-- Copyright:  Eli Algranti (c) 2012
-- This code is licensed under the Microsoft Public 
-- License (Ms-Pl) (http://tsqlnormdist.codeplex.com/license)
-- =============================================
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[StdNormalDistributionCDF_3] ( @x FLOAT)
    DECLARE @Z FLOAT = ABS(@x)/SQRT(2.0);
    DECLARE @Z2 FLOAT = @Z*@Z; -- optimization
    IF (@Z >=11.0) -- value is too large no need to compute
      IF @x > 0.0
        RETURN 1.0;
      RETURN 0.0;

    -- Compute ERF using W. J. Cody 1969
    IF (@Z <= 0.46786)
      DECLARE @pA0 FLOAT = 3.209377589138469472562E03;
      DECLARE @pA1 FLOAT = 3.774852376853020208137E02;
      DECLARE @pA2 FLOAT = 1.138641541510501556495E02;
      DECLARE @pA3 FLOAT = 3.161123743870565596947E00;
      DECLARE @pA4 FLOAT = 1.857777061846031526730E-01;
      DECLARE @qA0 FLOAT = 2.844236833439170622273E03;
      DECLARE @qA1 FLOAT = 1.282616526077372275645E03;
      DECLARE @qA2 FLOAT = 2.440246379344441733056E02;
      DECLARE @qA3 FLOAT = 2.360129095234412093499E01;
      DECLARE @qA4 FLOAT = 1.000000000000000000000E00;

      -- For efficiency compute sequence of powers of @Z 
      -- (instead of calling POWER(@Z,2), POWER(@Z,4), etc.)
      DECLARE @ZA4 FLOAT = @Z2*@Z2;
      DECLARE @ZA6 FLOAT = @ZA4*@Z2;
      DECLARE @ZA8 FLOAT = @ZA6*@Z2;

      SELECT @ERF = @Z *
        (@pA0 + @pA1*@Z2 + @pA2*@ZA4 + @pA3*@ZA6 + @pA4*@ZA8) /
        (@qA0 + @qA1*@Z2 + @qA2*@ZA4 + @qA3*@ZA6 + @qA4*@ZA8);
    ELSE IF (@Z <= 4.0)
      DECLARE @pB0 FLOAT = 1.23033935479799725272E03;
      DECLARE @pB1 FLOAT = 2.05107837782607146532E03;
      DECLARE @pB2 FLOAT = 1.71204761263407058314E03;
      DECLARE @pB3 FLOAT = 8.81952221241769090411E02;
      DECLARE @pB4 FLOAT = 2.98635138197400131132E02;
      DECLARE @pB5 FLOAT = 6.61191906371416294775E01;
      DECLARE @pB6 FLOAT = 8.88314979438837594118E00;
      DECLARE @pB7 FLOAT = 5.64188496988670089180E-01;
      DECLARE @pB8 FLOAT = 2.15311535474403846343E-08;
      DECLARE @qB0 FLOAT = 1.23033935480374942043E03;
      DECLARE @qB1 FLOAT = 3.43936767414372163696E03;
      DECLARE @qB2 FLOAT = 4.36261909014324715820E03;
      DECLARE @qB3 FLOAT = 3.29079923573345962678E03;
      DECLARE @qB4 FLOAT = 1.62138957456669018874E03;
      DECLARE @qB5 FLOAT = 5.37181101862009857509E02;
      DECLARE @qB6 FLOAT = 1.17693950891312499305E02;
      DECLARE @qB7 FLOAT = 1.57449261107098347253E01;
      DECLARE @qB8 FLOAT = 1.00000000000000000000E00;

      -- For efficiency compute sequence of powers of @Z 
      -- (instead of calling POWER(@Z,2), POWER(@Z,3), etc.)
      DECLARE @ZB3 FLOAT = @Z2*@Z;
      DECLARE @ZB4 FLOAT = @ZB3*@Z;
      DECLARE @ZB5 FLOAT = @ZB4*@Z;
      DECLARE @ZB6 FLOAT = @ZB5*@Z;
      DECLARE @ZB7 FLOAT = @ZB6*@Z;
      DECLARE @ZB8 FLOAT = @ZB7*@Z;

      SELECT @ERF = 1.0 - EXP(-@Z2) *
              (@pB0 + @pB1*@Z + @pB2*@Z2 + @pB3*@ZB3 + @pB4*@ZB4
               + @pB5*@ZB5 + @pB6*@ZB6 + @pB7*@ZB7 + @pB8*@ZB8) /
              (@qB0 + @qB1*@Z + @qB2*@Z2 + @qB3*@ZB3 + @qB4*@ZB4
               + @qB5*@ZB5 + @qB6*@ZB6 + @qB7*@ZB7 + @qB8*@ZB8);
      DECLARE @pC0 FLOAT = -6.58749161529837803157E-04;
      DECLARE @pC1 FLOAT = -1.60837851487422766278E-02;
      DECLARE @pC2 FLOAT = -1.25781726111229246204E-01;
      DECLARE @pC3 FLOAT = -3.60344899949804439429E-01;
      DECLARE @pC4 FLOAT = -3.05326634961232344035E-01;
      DECLARE @pC5 FLOAT = -1.63153871373020978498E-02;
      DECLARE @qC0 FLOAT = 2.33520497626869185443E-03;
      DECLARE @qC1 FLOAT = 6.05183413124413191178E-02;
      DECLARE @qC2 FLOAT = 5.27905102951428412248E-01;
      DECLARE @qC3 FLOAT = 1.87295284992346047209E00;
      DECLARE @qC4 FLOAT = 2.56852019228982242072E00;
      DECLARE @qC5 FLOAT = 1.00000000000000000000E00;
      DECLARE @pi FLOAT = 3.141592653589793238462643383;
      -- For efficiency compute sequence of powers of @Z 
      -- (instead of calling POWER(@Z,-2), POWER(@Z,-3), etc.)
      DECLARE @ZC2 FLOAT = (1/@Z)/@Z;
      DECLARE @ZC4 FLOAT = @ZC2*@ZC2;
      DECLARE @ZC6 FLOAT = @ZC4*@ZC2;
      DECLARE @ZC8 FLOAT = @ZC6*@ZC2;
      DECLARE @ZC10 FLOAT = @ZC8*@ZC2;

      SELECT @ERF = 1 - EXP(-@Z2)/@Z * (1/SQRT(@pi) + 1/(@Z2)*
             ((@pC0 + @pC1*@ZC2 + @pC2*@ZC4 + @pC3*@ZC6 + @pC4*@ZC8 + @pC5*@ZC10) /
              (@qC0 + @qC1*@ZC2 + @qC2*@ZC4 + @qC3*@ZC6 + @qC4*@ZC8 + @qC5*@ZC10)));

    DECLARE @cd FLOAT = 0.5*(1+@ERF);

    IF @x > 0
      RETURN @cd;

    RETURN 1.0-@cd;

Verification Using Excel 2010 as Reference

Maximum difference 5.55111512312578E-16 at value 1.00999999999983

Verification Using Excel 2007 as Reference

Maximum difference 5.09148279093097E-13 at value 4.97999999999994


This more complex and slower implementation uses three different rational approximations to provide maximum accuracy over a wide range of values.
Here at last we see the differences between Excel 2010 and Excel 2007.
Using Excel 2010 as reference we note the approximation provides the maximum precision possible with a double precision float (15.5 decimal places.)
Using Excel 2007 the precision drops down to 12 decimal places. The graph shows this happens for only two small bands at around 5 and -5 which is where the Excel 2007 implementation is lacking and where Excel 2010 shows improvements.


  1. hi thanks for the code! I ran these, and tried uploading a C# version of the Cody codes. The difference is huge.

    The T-SQL implementation takes 10 seconds for 3e5 rows, the C# implemention <1 second for 3e6 rows. Same answer.

    I was surprised at how this difference really is, T-SQL does not seem very effiecient for this type of calculation. So for production at large data volumes, you really should look into SQL CLR.

    1. Do you mean a C# function in the database using CLR integration? Two orders of magnitude difference for simple computations; sounds fishy. There may be some option that needs to be set when creating the function, or similar. I'll have to try and replicate this and ask a DBA about it. There may be some option or setting missing from the function specification.
